Saturday, April 26, 2014

C4T #4

C4T #4 Comment #1
Royan Lee posted Important Internet and Security and Privacy Advice for Educators:An Interview with Jessy Irwin. This was an interesting post that gave you different ways to protect yourself on the internet, such as not having the same password for everything you use in the classroom or in your personal life. This is important to remember since if someone finds out your password, they could potentially get into any program that you have set up with the same password. It is also important to read the terms and conditions of programs that you are signing up for. I know I myself am guilty of not reading through the terms and conditions and just hitting okay since I think it is a program I can trust. We need to read through these terms and conditions to be sure that personal information is not going to be given out, and our identity is protected.

C4T #4 Comment #2
This week Royan Lee posted on Assessment in Technology. This was a great video to watch especially if you are uneasy about the use of technology in the classroom. Lee comments at one point that the posture of the student has changed in the classroom and then gives and image to explain. He says that if you are not used to this in the classroom it can be slightly disturbing to the teacher at first. In my opinion that Lee talks about might be one reason for why some educators are so against technology in the classroom. Students might come off as not paying attention, when in reality they are engaged and learning. I also learned about several useful technology tools called Skitch and Evernote. These are tools used to organize information in one place and can be accessed from your computer, tablet, or phone. You can even share your ideas and information with others to collaborate as a group.

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